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Walter A. Lester Jan 5th 2010 at 01:48:55 PM
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I found this site through the membership of the AEA and web serch.

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I am from Wise,Va. but have lived in Mt.Sterling,Ky.for the past 14 years.

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This is a great site with a lot of history.I would like to say that I was a member of the Army. I was with the 39th.Engineer Battalion (Combat).I served in Chu Lai,Vietnam during the Vietnam War.I took my basic training at Fort Jackson. Then to Fort Leonard Wood for my AIT in combat engineer (carpenter). From that to the engineer school for NCO for construction forman MOS 51H40. Welcome Home Brothers
"Forget the War's not the Warrior's"


J.Fowler Dec 31st 2009 at 02:11:59 PM
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My Grandfather was Msgt John J Fowler, he was with C co. 401st Engineers, unfortunatly he died 1 year before I was born. Can anyone give me some info about him and what the unit did in WWII? I have a battalion photo when they were in Plattsburgh,NY and would like to share it.


Adam Curow Dec 27th 2009 at 07:41:15 AM
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Houston, TX

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I just wanted to say thanks for having some information on my Grandfather Walter Curow. I’ve never meet him, but my father told me a couple of stories and I wanted to find out more on him or even a picture.


SGT Curow, Adam
Civil Affairs


Maggie Pendergast Dec 15th 2009 at 09:37:22 PM
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Galesburg, Illinois

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I am looking for anyone who knew or knew of my uncle 1st LT John V Pendergast, 135th INF, CO L, KIA 10/24/1944 Anconella, Italy, Thanks


Roy Roberts Dec 10th 2009 at 10:29:09 AM
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Researching my father's service through google

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Nashville, Tennessee

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Great website! Awesome Christmas email w/pics!
Would like to do more research and find as much info on father's service, if you have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.


Justin Suarez Dec 2nd 2009 at 09:23:19 PM
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Eastampton, New Jersey

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I really enjoyed the site. i was actually shocked to find my grandfather on the internet. thank you very much for creating this site and honoring our army engineers


mike Nov 19th 2009 at 01:16:34 AM
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looking for info on the 187th engineer combat battalion.

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This is a great site. As a veteran of Vietnam I appreciate the dedication, work and effort that you have put into this tribute to the military. My father, Andrew (Hank) Scolastico was a combat engineer during WWII and served with the 187th Engineer Combat Battalion. He was with his unit from Camp White to Texas to West Virginia; shipped out on the SATURNIA and arrived in Southhampton on November 2, 1944. I know they then moved to the Maginot line and were attached to 3rd army for a while but after that....I'm lost. I would appreciate hearing from anyone that has information about the 187th or who knew my father (Hank). Thank You!


Stephanie Rutkowski Zimmerman Nov 11th 2009 at 10:39:53 AM
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looking for information on Trident

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I'm looking for information regarding my father, Melvin Rutkowski, who was part of the 97th/Trident division -


Phil Harris Nov 9th 2009 at 08:42:16 PM
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Googled 143rd Infantry

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Clinton, Iowa

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A friend of mines Dad served with Comapny B 143rd Infantry. he has passed away now. I would like to help my friend put together a collection of his Dads medals and memorabilia. So i am looking to learn more about the 143rd. My friends Dads name is William D. Liddle Cpl.


Brett Hickle Oct 26th 2009 at 02:23:14 PM
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Morgantown, WV

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Wonderful website!!! Keep up the good work!!!! My great uncle served with Co. A 506 PIR 101st Airborne


Gary houston Oct 15th 2009 at 02:30:47 PM
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I am looking for any info on 36th Combat Engineers Company A, during WWII. My dad was with company A 1943--1945 . I can not get him to talk much about his time in the war.His name was Hayes Houston


John D Phillips Oct 6th 2009 at 01:00:38 PM
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searcing for info on my WWII vet father

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Omaha, Nebraska

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My thanks to all veterans who have served and sacrificed. My dad, David J Phillips was with G Co., 3rd BN, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne. I am trying to find anyone who might have known or been with him at any time during the war. Again my thanks to all veterans and anyone who might be able to assist me in my search.


Judy LaPlante Aug 19th 2009 at 10:23:40 PM
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Sprinfield Armory, Springfiled,Ma

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Granby, Ma

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I acquired this map titled Bridges to Berlin, 1146 Engr. C. Grp .
Col. J.A. MacCarty-Commanding
250 Engr.-Lt. Col.Nehf 1236 Engr.CBN.-LT Col. Rinsland
252 Engr. C.Bn-Lt Col. Womack 630 Engr.L.E.Co- Capt. Bill Burns
Activated-10-Nov-1943-Camp Swift-Texas
Arrived-U.K.-16 September-1944
This map is in excellent condition. It is hand signed by the men who served there. I have pictures is anyone is interested.


Richard Nuccio Merlis Aug 9th 2009 at 05:58:58 PM
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My uncle Charles J Nuccio served with the 540th from 1942-1945. In Tunisia ,Sicily, Italy. He was wounded at Anzio March 9th 1944. He spent a year recovering at Walter Reed hosp. He is listed in the 540th book. I have his original DD-214 if you are interested I can send a copy. I just recently put all his medals an patches into a grouping.


coby fritz Jul 23rd 2009 at 08:29:37 AM
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I knew it already

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holland ( Ypenburg)

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Dear Marion, Maybe this link is also interesting for your website. This part remains also tekst in English, so it could be readable for people who can't read Dutch.
I am slso curious if it's known in England that parts of this Bristol Blenheim were found in Holland.
With regards, Coby Fritz.


SFC (RET) Dennis W. Bak Jul 20th 2009 at 10:16:36 AM
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Lansing, MI

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Excellent website. Thoroughly enjoyed your website and all of its contents. Am a big WW II buff, especially Airborne units (am Airborne qualified myself). Will be back visiting your site often! I admire your "stick-to-ittiveness" in finding out more about your father's military service. GREAT job!!! Have a GREAT day!!!


William Murphy Jul 14th 2009 at 07:15:34 PM
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Drexel Hill Pa

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Excellent website. I was looking for info an the 243 Engineering Battalion. My brother-in-law will turn 84 soon and I was looking for something to give him for his birthday that reminds him of his outfit. Thank you for remembering all who gave service to this county. God Bless the Troops!!


Timothy Besmer Jul 14th 2009 at 05:42:12 AM
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Stumbled across while viewing page you made for my Uncle Frank Collalto

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New Jersey

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Thank you for the website about my Uncle, Frank Collalto who was Killed in Action on 12-17-44 . It means a lot to my mom Constance Collalto who is his sister and to our entire family.


AKB, 1Lt USAF Jul 13th 2009 at 10:09:09 PM
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TX is home... but I'm stationed in FL.

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I was searching for information about the 313th Engineer Combat Battallion. My grandpa Ernest Orosco Sr. (Tech 5) was in the 313th, "C" Company during WWII. I wish I had not been so lazy and recorded some of those stories of his time in the Army. It is a great regret of mine, and more so now that he has passed away and information about the 313th is so hard to find. It is amazing what all the men who served our country during WWII had to endure, and it is my privilege to be the third generation in my family to serve in the armed forces. Kudos to you for this wonderful website!


Jac Jul 7th 2009 at 06:37:26 PM
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thru a " Rod O'Barr" site on the 85th Heavy Ponton Battalion

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Greenport, NY

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I was searching the 85th's web site today and read the "Luneville" essay. I had always known my Father was awarded the Soldier's Medal with three others but never where. It turns out it was Luneville and there is a photo of an Honor Guard on that page. When I got home, I went through a Scrapbook my Dad passed on to me. I was surprised to see the same photo in the scrapbook. While I have no idea whether there were dozens of those photos made or two, it was rather a cool surprise to find it on-line and at home.

I'd like to register soon for the site and upload some of the Scrapbook's contents. I can't tell whether the 85th's site will let me upload anything.


Kathy Jun 16th 2009 at 02:23:31 PM
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searching WWII

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This website is great and I am glad you don't like spammers. They are a nuisance. We are working on a new film The Last Mission. Check the website-, it is a family faith base WWII story about 2nd chances and forgotten heroes. We would like to invite any veteran or family member to share their stories and or pics. The can go to the website and submit the story/pic or email We have been already talking with The Commemorative Air Force.


mary t benz Jun 14th 2009 at 05:18:16 PM
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Purple heart honor roll

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My grand uncle Master Sgt Edward J. Sullivan was with the 207th engineers,killed in action missing 6-19-44, in France. It will be 65 years. Perhaps there is a vet with his unit,that remembers him. He was also with the 341st eng that helped build the Al-can Highway.


Joni (Zirille) Lebiedzinski Jun 10th 2009 at 11:52:54 AM
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from my brother

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Mishawaka, Indiana, now living in Hawaii

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My father was Joseph F. Zirille, who was in the 39th combat engineer corp, as a medic. We have very few pictures and a few stories, and would love to learn more.


Bruce Moore Jun 6th 2009 at 11:20:30 PM
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My Dad is Junior W. Moore, 6th Corps, 149th Combat Engineers, landed on Omaha Beach, June 6th, 1944. They are all heros and I thank every one of them! I visited Omaha Beach in 1995. It is an awesome place and a humbling experience. May God bless everyone of you.


Richard Polec Jun 2nd 2009 at 11:50:11 PM
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My father was Aloysius J. Polec served in Co A 2826th Engr C BN as read on his discharge. Served 24 Oct 42 to 24 jul 45 rank S/Sgt. would like to know if anyone has stories or photos or just knew him. He never talked about his time in the service. Thank you.


John M. Shank May 27th 2009 at 07:47:12 PM
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My Dad was in the 345th Inf. Regt.Co M and I'm trying to find any info for his Unit I can. Sadly he said nothing while he was alive , and only now I am seeing some of his military info. Sites like this are a great help, not only in research, but getting a better understanding of what You great Men endured. Thank you very much ---Please help with anything about M Co.


John A. (Jac) Citera May 27th 2009 at 04:26:47 PM
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Yahoo search of 85th Engineer Heavy Ponton Battalion

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Now: Greenport, NY originally from W. Hempstead, NY

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My father was a member of the 85th Engineer Heavy Ponton Battalion/Det. H&S Co. 8/44. He shared very little of his experiences in WWII with us. He was very proud about the unit motto: "No River to Swift". There was a story about the pair of glasses he sent to my Mom when he was in N. Africa and how he got caught in a sandstorm; the optometrist told my Mom they looked like he got caught in a mine explosion. In Germany, he and some others commandeered a small boat and went after an officer who fell in the river. That's about it as far as stories go. There were two other fellows he stayed close to but they were friends from Camp Maxie and/or the base in Paris, TX he was stationed at before shipping out overseas. I sort of want to learn a little more about his experiences and perhaps gain some insight into the man. He had some bad luck when he got home not to mention some issues with his brothers and sisters about their mother. Traveling down I-95, there's an exit with the Army Engineers' Museum and one day I'll get there to research the unit's history during WWII.
Thank you for the opportunity to POST this!


david smith May 25th 2009 at 04:45:00 PM
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my father was lt.charles h smith..he was the ammo officer for the 2nd battalion of the 135th infantry.


Joe Drago May 16th 2009 at 08:13:22 PM
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A Marine buddy from South Carolina forwarded it to me a little while ago.

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(My mother), Sorry only kidding, West Roxbury (Boston ), MA

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Served with Ico3rdbn22ndMarinesSixthMarineDivision- MOS-machine gunner. Guam, Okinawa.


William Ecclesine May 16th 2009 at 12:26:57 PM
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My father was a 1st. Lt. in the 540 th, His name was Thomas Ecclesine
I have some photos, a book of the 540th in Europe and many letters
to my mother. I also have a tissue paper map he drew which shows
allied positions in preparation for a river crossing. If you would like more
information please feel free to email me of call 919 451 5556.


Colonel Paul A. Hand, USMC (ret) May 15th 2009 at 06:36:07 PM
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Jacksonville, Florida

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I googled your site after a visit to the woods outside Henley with my good friend Group Captain Spiller, RAF (ret). I noted on your website the picture of the castle in the woods. You made mention that there were two such castles. Indeed there are and I took a very good picture of the second castle. If you would like it for the site email me and I will forward.

Semper Fi

Paul Hand
Col, USMC, (ret)


Rob Stephens May 4th 2009 at 02:29:57 PM
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Wonderful site. Thanks for setting it up and running it.

I am the son of the late Col. Robert D Stephens from Enid, OK who was a combat engineer in the 540th for the entire duration of WWII -- participating in the landings (I believe) in Ft Lautely, Morroco, Sicily, Anzio, Southern France, the Rhine Crossing and occupation. My father had many incredible stories about his experiences. A few of my favorite stories are:

1. A wonderful letter he wrote to his parents (published in the local paper) telling them about his experiences when he was suddenly detailed to be part of the security detail for FDR during the Casablanca and Teheran conferences. He said he learned to eat really fast because he was usually the last served at elaborate meals where the big guys were meeting/eating. He wrapped up the letter with something to the effect, that he wished his pals could have been there for they would know we are led by good men and fighting for a good cause (will try to post the letter on the website). He also told me he had a run in with one of FDR's sons (a General?) who wanted to get into FDR's car while he waited for the president (it was a bitterly cold day). My dad told him he would not be allowed to enter the car for it was designated for someone else. FDR's son blew his stack and yelled my dad asking if he did not recognize him. My dad said yes, but would not allow anyone to enter the car until the designated person showed up.

2. He also claims he and 11 other engineers were the first US soldiers, trained by the Brits in North Africa, to be mine/demolition experts (his CV said he was the senior Mine Warfare Engineer in the Mediterrean Theatre) and these in turn trained hundreds of others. As a kid my dad would often use cocktail napkins to draw schematics of German mines and how he and his pals would develop a countermeasure and then the German would introduce additional changes and a never-ending war. Does anybody know if the 540th indeed was one of the first trained in mine warfare?

3. My dad told me that during the crossing of the Rhine he was put in charge of testing the "Ducks" -- which he said no one knew exactly how to operate. He put one of his men into the Duck and he drove it into the river and it immediately sunk because they failed to put in the "plug." I have pictures of this incident which are fairly funny with the last shot being a soldier swimming out of the sinking Duck.

My dad kept load of records and materials, including more than 100 letters from this period of time. I wlll try to share some of these with this website.


Lisbeth Hanus Apr 16th 2009 at 09:49:53 AM
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This is my first time to the site but I can tell you that I will be back.


Danny Manga Apr 8th 2009 at 12:06:04 AM
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Military .com

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Brooksville Florida

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I love any site that is about soldiers past and present. I wasn't in any war unless you consider the cold war, serve in 8th div co c 1st bn 13th inf Germany 1963 to 1965. Came to this site hunting a buddy I served with but with no luck. I really mean this with all my heart, I APPRECIATE ALL THE TROOPS THAT FOUGHT AND GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR ME. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.


Otto Amaral Apr 4th 2009 at 12:59:46 PM
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Searching WWI airplanes & music

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Joinville, Santa Catarina State, Brazil

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This site is a proof that still has people working who maintain live the History! Very good job. My congratulations.


Teena Eaton Mar 20th 2009 at 02:04:34 PM
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Searching for W.W. 2 Veteran

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Perry Co. Penna. (60 mile west of Harrisburg, Pa.)

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I am looking for anyone who might have known my biological father, a Captain William "Bill" Williams, he was at Mt. Gretna, Pa. (part of Indiantown Gap) in the fall of 1944. I have a photo if you care to email me, I'd be happy to send it to you. I am so desperate to find anyone who can tell me about him! My mother is deceased and there were 1002 William William in W. W. 2! Thanks so much for any help you could be. God Bless our Veterans! The man who raised me was a Marine, W. W. 2, My husband is a Vietnam Vet...God Bless you all.. Thank you!
Teena Eaton, for that photo!


Larry Shaw Mar 11th 2009 at 02:26:50 PM
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Was at Basildon Park House today and the staff there told me about allied forces being based there in WW2.
Interested in this so looked up your site...
Stay safe all.......P


John R. Mar 5th 2009 at 08:20:26 AM
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Steven Rodriguez Mar 4th 2009 at 05:14:56 AM
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Greeley, CO.

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I am so Thrilled that I finally found My uncles name in a roster of the 101st Airborne. My Uncle Tony Leal is my mothers brother. Her other brother was in the Army Air Corps. He is still alive. I have been trying to find some record / information of what he did in the war. Before he passed away he was open to talk about it. Unfortunately I did not get very much from 2 visits. I am into military history and I would like to find out more if at all possible. My mother said that they did not keep any of his letters he mailed to them. Another strike :) Sincerly, Steven R.


Susan Bohdan Feb 19th 2009 at 11:28:25 AM
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GOOGLE search for 39th Combat Engineers Regiment

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River Forest, IL

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Dear Marion, I had just left a comment about your wonderful gallery of photos -- actually this whole website. There is so much to search, just on your website.

You had listed the route of the 39th Engineers from Gela, that I recognized. You are the first to include the breakoff of Company D to San Stefano. I know I need to get to NARA, but for starters, I have ordered 15 pages that the College Park staff found on the 39th Engineers Unit. I had requested company's dailys and/or unit reports. I have felt all along that searching for company D is like a needle in a hay stack, but now I know it might just be close at hand. Is there more about company D?

Thank you so much for pulling together all this evidence. I am not sure why I hadn't located you before now, but that is okay, I have now! Can't wait to see your documentary film.

Susan Bohdan

PVT Lloyd D. Troyer
39th Engineers Regiment
Company D
Sicily 1943


Marion Chard - Walt's Daughter Feb 10th 2009 at 12:39:09 PM
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I own it!

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HUGE APOLOGIES to everyone who tried to post messages in my GUESTBOOK! I was not receiving notification about guestbook entries because DUMMY me forgot to change my email address settings for my Bravenet services. How embarrassing! I wondered why there hadn't been any new entries in a year! Doh! So today I signed in and was informed by Bravenet, they didn't have a current email addy for me and had been trying to contact me regarding the 50 plus new entries, which needed my approval for posting.

This morning I spent time going through those entries, and approving them for the web. I profusely apologize to every single one of you, who were probably wondering, where the heck your entry was!!

For those who were requesting responses, I promise to get back with you, but it will take some time. Your posts ARE important to me, and I look forward to talking with you.

Just sign me,
Embarrassed daughter


John Wallace Dec 29th 2008 at 09:56:50 AM
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San Antonio, TX

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Yes, hello my Grandfather, George Wykle served with the 48th, and I have his yearbook, he is gone now, been gone for about 20 years. But I'm still very interested in what he did during the war....


otto polsz Dec 19th 2008 at 03:00:21 PM
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trevose, pa

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i was in the257th combat engineer bat.from 1943 til we were disbanded in Antwerp Belgium in 1945,and spent the next year stateside as a service records were lost, and i was discharged on a partial service record and affidavit that i had to supply.i would like to hear from anyone who knows about the 257th.


Fred Clinton Webmaster 63rd Infantry Division Dec 16th 2008 at 01:00:20 PM
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I checked our attached unit list from WWII and found that the 2827th Engrs were attached to the 63rd Infantry Division from 12-18 April 1945.


John Paul Joiner Dec 12th 2008 at 06:28:35 PM
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Jacksonville Beach, Fl

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Served with the 84th Engineers in Viet Nam. Enjoyed reading the stories on your site.


Valerie Jados Dec 10th 2008 at 10:11:09 PM
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Chicago, IL

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Was looking for information about my father Oliver T Roach attached to the 97th INF DIV 322nd Combat Engineer Battalion, Baker Company was very shocked to see his name listed in the article.


Martin Hruz Dec 7th 2008 at 10:54:29 PM
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Reno, NV

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Thank you for this great site and the great music. (Can't figure out how to download yet.) but as a student of history I love the personal approach this site brings.

Thank you to the Vet's you work with for their treamendous service, and for you bringing their story to us. I will be looking for no bridge too far!


Janis Jade Roguskie Nov 10th 2008 at 04:37:50 PM
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Googled it while researching my dad's unit

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Shenandoah, PA

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Hi. My dad [Alexander S. Roguskie] served with the 337th Combat Engineer Battalion in Italy during WWII. He started with the 209th CA as a searchlight operator. The 209th was converted to the 337th C Eng Bn. After Italy surrendered he was sent to the PI to train for the invasion of Japan.


Raymond Kassler Nov 10th 2008 at 01:09:56 AM
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Minneapolis, Minn

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I was in World War II.
My unit was:

2830 th Combat Engineers Battalion
Commander: Lt Col Beasley

Company Commander: Capt Tetley

Squad Leaders: Sgt Albright
Cpl Cernock

7 th Army

Our unit was stationed out side of Epinal, France. Our location was near Strasburg, France

I was in the unit between Sept, 1944 thru Jun, 1945.

We maintained French roads, built small stream bridges, and put together Baily Bridges across small streams. Also we laid anti tank mine fields and bobbed wire concertina tank traps.
On the first week of May 1945 we made the Rhine River crossing into Germany. We ferried Infantry troops and tanks & trucks across the Rhine River.

I did my basic traing at Camp Leonard Wood, Missouri.


Phillip Richmond Oct 11th 2008 at 04:16:40 PM
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Searching for information on 782nd Tank Bn

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Great site!


Dennis Oct 1st 2008 at 11:31:09 PM
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I am wanting to research my father's path in World War II, but I do not know where to begin. Can anyone help me?


Iradell Galyen Sep 29th 2008 at 02:24:30 PM
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Elkton Maryland

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Iradell (Arnold nickname) is my uncle who was in all 5 invasions, from Africa thru 7/1945 Austria. He is looking to find a wounded buddy whom he rescued over a cliff in the Alps. Name: _____Knaple od Pennsylvania. Can anyone give me advice?

Thanks Phil Galyen Elkton MD


nelson eddy Aug 27th 2008 at 03:50:11 AM
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originally syracuse, ny, but of late mayville mich.

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have long sought a single source of the best music of the 40s and wwII. Have been collecting records, 78s, 45s, and 33s of this genre'. I use this site for my background music during the day when I am both on and off the is lousy, and besides, it's all r&r or cw around here. Have passed this site on to several friends of my age group and they all adore it..


Barbara Patterson Aug 24th 2008 at 11:26:51 AM
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Looking for the Co B 49th Engr Com. Bat

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Bluewater, NM

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In doing searches for the men from my Dad's Engineer Corp, I came accross Ernest Napier. My Dad, Guy H. Mills knew that man. He was with him at Ft. Carson, Co. when they were in boot. My Dad is still alive and looking for some of his men. He was a Sgt. and a Demolition Expert. during WWII. Any of the guys alive he would like to hear from them. He is now 85 years old, and doing fine.


Michael Rockett Aug 21st 2008 at 10:12:34 AM
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Marion, I just wanted to say what an outstanding job you're doing. Your web site is awesome! God bless America, the VI Corps, and its "true" daughters!


Joseph Zarba Aug 20th 2008 at 02:12:30 PM
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My brother (Christopher) served in the Engineers. I'm seeking info. He is in early stages of Alzheimer's; has always and still proudly considers himself a Combat Engineer. Would like to hear from someone who knew of him.


Dave Nique Aug 17th 2008 at 03:44:05 PM
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My dad served in the 540th from 42-45.His name Robert W. Nique he was in the 2832 company B.He passed away on 1-11-08 He always talk fondly of his time in the 540th.I would like to hear from anyone who knew him.[:)s][:)s]


olivier knipping Aug 16th 2008 at 04:14:36 AM
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Beste collegaâ??s re-enactment,
cher collegue re-enactment,
dear collegue re-enactment,

organiseert op 22-23-24 augustus â??08 onderstaand evenement :
organise le 22-23-24 août 2008 l'evenement si dessous:
is organizing on august 22-23-24 2008 the following event:

De inschrijvingen lopen niet zo geweldig dus: Iedereen op post en vertel het voort:
Les inscriptions n'avancent pas comme prévu; donc: passe les mots
The inscriptions are not running as planned, so pass the word to all it may interest


Pvt. olivier knipping
groot overlaar 218
3300 Tienen
016 / 895 264
0479 / 232 471
0494 / 593 093


Dave Icenhower Aug 15th 2008 at 06:01:10 PM
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Just dropped in to visit your great site while looking for information about my father, First Sergeant Harold "Ike" Icenhower who served in the 1301 Engineers.


Susan Dailey Aug 14th 2008 at 03:01:28 PM
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Just typed combat engineers in google

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Cleveland, OH

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My father Robert Nique was attached to the 540th during WWII and told a lot of stories. He passed away on January 11, 2008 just shy of 86 yrs. I wish I had discovered your website before he passed. I'm sure there would have been more stories he could have recollected. I'm sure all who respond to this site feels as I do that these stories and pictures should be preserved as best as can be. You are doing a grand job. Thank you.


Brad Hoopes Aug 14th 2008 at 12:29:26 AM
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I Interview veterans in an effort to get their stories down on permanent record so that they and their story will always be remembered, honored and never forgotten. I recently interviewed Burdette Woodward, who served in the 540th, and was doing research to add to the DVD of the interview when I came across your website. What a great site you have put together!


David Nique Aug 13th 2008 at 11:50:46 AM
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My dad was with the 540th Combat Engineers from 1942-1945. His name was Robert Nique I have his book on the 540th C.E. along with a list of all the people who served in the well as alist of all the places they were at and the dates they were there.If anyone needs info i`ll share what I have.


rudy arruda Jul 30th 2008 at 11:42:29 AM
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Belong to it

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Tiverton R.I.

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If possible if anyone from the 295th combat eng. contacts your website please email me and let them no Rudy is still alive and would like to get in touch with buddies he,ll have forever!


Cynthia L. Gard-Hammond Jul 19th 2008 at 05:35:01 PM
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Company C, 540th Engineers Google Search

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My father's name is Clayton D. Gard and he served in Company C of the 540th Engineers Regiment. His battles and campaigns included Algeria-French Morocco; Sicily; Naples-Foggia; Rome-Arno; Rhineland; and Southern France. According to information from your website, this regiment was redesignated as the 2832nd Engineer Combat Battalion. All of the information that I have on my father's service comes from his discharge papers. I am so overwhelmingly grateful to have found this site. I know that you have spent so much time and put in so much effort on organizing all of this information and it is much appreciated.


Stephen Keith Jul 10th 2008 at 10:21:09 PM
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I was searching the web for info on WW2 Combat Engineers

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Pembroke NH USA

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Very nice site and video.

I collect WW2 Historic Military Vehicles and have stenciled all of mine that apply as belonging to the 291st Combat Engineers of Col Pergrin and his men who fought at The Battle of The Bilge and The Bridge at Remargen in honor of their accomplishments.


Bobby Carr Jul 7th 2008 at 07:51:07 PM
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I am 64 yrs old and not in good health---several surgeries in last few yrs. I was born while my dad was in WWII and later adopted out. Never got to know him very much but decided I would try to find out anything I could about him and what he did in the war. He was in the 351 Engineer Gen. Service Regiment. Was in the campaigns of Northern France, Rhineland, and Ardennes-Alsace. I have found out a lot and would like to know more about the 351 or people in the 351st. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely , Bobby Carr


Virginia Jones Jul 1st 2008 at 07:38:19 PM
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Near Nashville, Tn now, but originally from Mo.

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I was fairly young when the war broke out, but I had two brothers who served in the airforce. One in Germany (wounded) The other in the phillipines. (also wounded) My son has served in the Navy, and was an Boiler Room Engineer. I have always loved the music of that time, and love the music on this site! All of it! Glenn Miller was my favorite, as were the Andrews sisters. My husband passed away in 74 from cancer. He was in the Marines, and also served in the pacific. Thank you for such a wonderful site! Sincerely Virginia


otto p[olsz Jun 23rd 2008 at 03:13:47 PM
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trevose, pa

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i sent you an email some time ago asking if anyone wouldknow anything about the
257th combat engrs. we wound up in belgim at the end of the war.any info would be of great help
keep up the good you are doing


Colin Hotham Jun 23rd 2008 at 05:29:22 AM
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Hi Marion. Just to let you know you and this great website have not been forgotten by me and I call in from time to time to look round. In just over a weeks time I go for two weeks in BC Canada to meet more Husky vets.


Eddie R Dean Jun 5th 2008 at 03:23:47 PM
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Born in the Imperial Valley, CA Live In Apple Valley, CA

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I'm a decendent of an Combat Engineer, of the 146th, Battalion, just hooked up with someone fromthe 237thCBE, 7Th Engineers, Germany 72


James G. Davis May 28th 2008 at 07:56:51 PM
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The creator/webmaster told me about it.

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Maui, Hawai

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In WW II I was a member of the 1204th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon that saw service in North Africa, Italy, France and Germany. It made the D-Day landing on the Southern French coast on 15 August 1944 and saw its war end in Munich. The 1204th was one of the original ten of these units created in August 1942 and one of the first four sent overseas in early April 1943.

If any any WW II EFFP or EAFFP members read this please be in touch.



Don MIller May 28th 2008 at 01:35:41 AM
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My Father Cpl. John C. Miller was a Combat Eng.3rd. Army. D-Day plus? Omaha Beach, Battle of the Buldge.
Co.D 361 Eng.SS Regt.Trained at Camp Clayboun,La.
I would like to find out more about his outfit. Of the 150 men in his company there were not many who survived.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Betty, Margaret & May May 21st 2008 at 10:08:17 AM
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James signed my guest book

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Canda/born in scotland

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Hi James,

I've copied some of the pics from your photo gallery. Hope you don't mind.
This is the best WW11 site my sisters and I have ever seen. We have wonderful memories from this era, the movies, songs and those wonderful GI's who threw chocolate bars and gum to us from the trains. God Bless them All.


Ladd McBride May 4th 2008 at 01:36:34 PM
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Wild Bill Guarnere.Community

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Fairbanks, Alaska

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I am the son of Capt Verle McBride who is listed on the awards list for the 540th Engr as receiving the Silver Star for actions during Operation Torch Novemeber 1942. I would like to get any information available on my father.


Wayne Peters Mar 23rd 2008 at 05:42:09 PM
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I am trying to find out if anyone has any information on the unit my Dad was part of. He was PFC Ralph Lee Peters, 160th Engineer Battalion, A company in 1945. I have researched some information on the work they did but would like to have someone who's dad or relative also served in this unit and might have know my dad. I have tried to register on this website, but it won't let me in???? Can someone help me?


Carl Rutherford Mar 22nd 2008 at 04:05:58 AM
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googling for an old WWII song

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Conley Ga

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I was googling for an old WWII song that runs in my head that I remember as a kid "Bell Bottom Trousers", I was with the 97th Combat Engineer Battalion stationed in France 1958 to 1960.

Your site came up and the music took me back to when I was a young Kid in the 40's. It's a great site dedicated to those we own so much.


Gerard van Vulpen Mar 14th 2008 at 12:11:44 PM
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Great side!!


Denise Treece Mar 2nd 2008 at 11:58:28 AM
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I was looking up 1940's music. Great site! Thanks for the music! I know you are looking for certain divisions/regiments, but reading your guestbook, I thought I would just let you know where my father served. He was in the Army, 78th Lightning Division, 3rd Battalion HQ, 309th Regiment, Anti-Tank. I don't know the company letter. He was in France and Germany 1943-1945. He passed Nov. 2000. Could never find anything on his regiment. Thanks for great website!


woody barnette Feb 20th 2008 at 06:11:26 PM
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searching for info about my grandfather

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indian land , sc

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All I have is my grandfathers patch. A Little Seahorse they call it...I am
his namesake...he was Woodrow Greene Barnette and served with what I now understand to be the 36th combat engineers in europe. I really need to learn more about how to locate more info on what he did and where he was...if by a longshot there may be any men who remember him??? He never spoke of the all. Just left me the patch ..........


Gabriel Ruzin Feb 20th 2008 at 05:57:25 PM
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Many congrats on a fine-looking website dedicated to a heroic group of soldiers. My grandfather is Earl Ruzin (still alive and kicking at 89), who was part of VI Corps, 540th Combat Engineer Regiment, Alpha Company, 2833rd Engineer Battalion.

My grandpa doesn't talk much about the war but, when prompted, will sometimes tell of his times as a halftrack driver during the war and the miserable time he had at Anzio. Great to see a website dedicated to him, his outfit, and others who did more than their part to keep freedom alive.


Danielle Feb 15th 2008 at 03:02:28 PM
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My Grandpa was in WWII in Italy. I was searching for information for him.
Thank you, it's a wonderful website!


andre and maggy Feb 4th 2008 at 09:43:38 AM
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the netherlands

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surch for WW II soldier burried in the netherlands


hello we are andre and maggy from the netherlands
were we live in the netherlands is a american militairy cemetery from ww2.
we adopt a grave of a soldier who is burried there.
that soldier was coming from Maryland, and died for our freedom.
the people in the netherlands, are still so very thankfully, that all the 8301 graves are adopt sinds 1945, and still are now.
adopt means you take care of one of more graves and you put nice flowers on the graves, a few days a year, memorial day, birthday x-mas etc.
we adopt the grave of:
DIED: MARCH 24 1945 GERMANY BIRTH: 26-10-1904
MARYLAND carroll county

who can help us to find his family.
or further information
we thank you so much

andre and maggy from the netherlands


Lindsay Feb 1st 2008 at 03:28:05 PM
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Hi, I hope you can help. I am trying to find information on my Grandfather. He was in WWII in the 428th Engineer Dump Truck Company. He was at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana. I am helping my father who is a Vietnam veteran and is trying to do some research on what all his father did in WWII. When my grandfather was alive I was too young to know or ask about the war. Please let me know if you can help? Thank you.


Ken Grano Jan 29th 2008 at 02:54:06 PM
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Originally Rochester, N.Y. Currently reside in Columbia, S.C.

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My father, Sergeant Sam Grano, served with the 36th Combat Engineers in North Africa, Sicily, etc. and was a purple heart recipient. He is now deceased. While looking at Vito Cupertino's photos, low and behold, there was my Dad. As a child, he fondly spoke of his "brothers", and in 1974 I went with him to a reunion in Pennsylvania where I had a chance to meet firsthand, all the friends he had spoken about for years. For two days, I just sat and listened to the stories. It is a memory I will carry to my grave. I have a collection of photos that I will forward to you as soon as I can because, hopefully, someone else will get to enjoy this site as much as I have. Thank you so much.


PETE MINIX Jan 28th 2008 at 01:39:07 AM
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Peter D. Minix
82-723 Matthau Drive
Indio, California 92201
760-343-8129 (tele) – 760-218-5512 (cell)

“Documenting & Preserving the Personal Experiences
of World War 2 Veterans Since 1998”

January 27th 2008

Dear Fellow Veteran:

In 1998, I began my project to collect stories from World War 2 veterans and their families for the purposes of preserving and presentation to today’s youth, adults and future generations before these memories will one day no longer be available.

My collection of over 215 World War 2 stories has received appreciation and recognition from the General Patton Memorial Museum at Chiriaco Summit in California where it is exhibited during special events.

Please contact me to discuss the details of my project, and how you can be an important source of World War 2 history by telling your story about your personal military service and sacrifices.

Participant references and testimonials regarding my work are available.

Very respectfully,

Peter D. Minix
Former SGT. U. S. Marine Corps
Former California Army National Guard Member


Mickey McGoldrick Robinson Jan 21st 2008 at 03:58:00 PM
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Friend, Fran Shaw. ~ we live in the same Senior Apts Bldg.

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Norristown, PA

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Just giving a salute to fellow veterans of WWII. I was a lady Marine based at El Centro CA. Married a Marine, and when they grew up, to a different war, our 2 sons joined the Navy!


angelo (andy ) mancini Dec 17th 2007 at 09:30:10 AM
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someone send it to me

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new jersey, nj

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i like to ty you all, merry xmas and happy new years. andy


MICKEY BLANCHFORD Nov 29th 2007 at 06:51:41 PM
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Through the 36th Engineer website

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Whitefish aMontana

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Great site. I am always delighted when I find those whom will take the time to keep the Engineer Brotherhood alive. No war can be waged without the Engineers. I hope you will visit our website and sign our guest book and use our forum. Again, this is a great sight. Welcome home all Engineers from ALL wars.


Joe Sumanski Nov 10th 2007 at 04:29:30 PM
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I just found your website today and think it's terrific. I am trying to find information about my father, Frank Szumlanski. He was from Baltimore MD and was a sargeant in the 36th Combat Engineers during WW2. He departed the US in Sept 1942, landing first in Ireland. He fought in the Algeria-French Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily, and Rome-Arno campaigns. His military specialty was automotive mechanic. He departed Europe in July 1944 and was back in the States in August 1944. If anyone reading this can shed some light on Dad's service experience I would greatly appreciate it.


Tom Duke Nov 7th 2007 at 09:39:48 PM
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My Grandfather, Grady Duke served in the 540th and I am searching to find out more about him. If anyone has info to offer I would appreciate it, very much.


Tom Fogleman Oct 29th 2007 at 11:05:41 PM
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My aunt was married to Fred S. Holmes, from Raleigh, NC, who was w/ the 235th and was reported KIA on 3/28/44 in Italy and is buried at the Nettuno cemetery. I proudly keep his Purple Heart and would greatly appreciate any details of his service. May God continue to bless our country and those who serve to protect it.


otto polsz Oct 29th 2007 at 03:19:24 PM
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i think i lostour last e mail

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am from trevose pa.

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i am still trying to get in touch with any infirmation or photo,s of the 257th combat engr batallion


Bob Martin Oct 17th 2007 at 09:05:17 AM
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This appears to be one of the finest sites dedicted to combat engineers that I've come across so far. I'm the son of Sgt Robert M. Martin, 2nd Platoon, Bravo Company, 208th Engineer Combat Batallion. My discusson group was an attempt to set something up for family and members of the 208th to share info and pictures. We have posted some pictures there, including photos of 208th maps showing their route of travel fighting from Normandy to Berlin. These maps are also filled with highlights, accomplishments and even has a list of names, rank and addresses for the entire batallion. I look forward to hearing from others and may ask this website master for permission to possibly create a 208th ECB "The Fighting Dozers" section on this site where it may be of better use and more easily reachable.


Mary Kost Oct 15th 2007 at 06:20:20 PM
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Thank you for this great site, I am research my Great Uncle Benjamin Franklin (william) Gray, he was attached to the 235th Engineer Combat Battalion, he was one of the nine who died repairing a bridge in Italy on March 22 1944. I found that this website has let me in on how things where there. I wish I could have met my Uncle, I just hope anyone seeing this can help me with stories and photos, we just do not have any of these items. Thank you again for a great website


William Clarke Oct 15th 2007 at 03:46:50 PM
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From Jim Hennessey

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Stone Staffs England

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I find this a great web site and would like to exchange links with my web sites.
and my STONE STAFFS ENGLAND web site all about where the 87th was based in England 1944

Kind regards,



Stevenot Gilbert N; Oct 13th 2007 at 04:51:37 PM
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Do to our exceptional friend named General Mac. That's him.

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From Begium You already knew since long

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I first had a look on your guestbook and saw the names of some dear friends, Jim Hennessey, Henri Rogister, Stan Bellens, Linda Cauthart. As you know Marion, when you sign a guestbbook, you are facing a blank page, but here, it is quite different. I have the screen against a backdrop of war. Those engineers who were building bridges during day and night, under fire and strafed by fighters-bombers, in all weather; rain, snow, deep frost...They were expendable. And the job had to be done, in the course. You said your father didn't tell more about his job, but you had a box, with a few souvenirs, tiny papers, letters, very little support, a lot of research, correspondence, and the indescribable will and joy to explain his military career, and you started almost from ground zero that wonderful job, in memory of your dear father. You know Marion all those soldiers of the past, remain at the bottom of our hearts. As long as we think of them they are still alive. All the best and congratulations.


Peter Pavelock Sep 26th 2007 at 04:23:58 PM
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87th infantry division - web

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Beacon, New York

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Question for Jim Hennessey - My father never spoke of the war, until just before he passed away on 03/15/2006 at age 82. Pfc Frank G. Pavelock was in the 345th Infantry - 87th Infantry Division (Unknown Company letter). He was in Ardenness, Central Europe, Rhineland Campaigns. He ask me if I would be okay to look into his Bronze Star from WWII. As a veteran myself I said yes dad if you were to get a Bronze Star I well make sure you get it issued in your name. The military tells us his records were lost in the great records fire an only his military discharge papers were on file. He was awarded the follwing above campaigns and ( American Service Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Service Medal Four times, Good Conduct Medal an the World War II Victory Medal. He said he was issued a CIB but was not listed on his discharge papers so the military will not issue him a Bronze Star. Because his records were lost in the fire. I dad along with others were in the most violent armed conflicts in the history of mankind, but however the military said he can not be issued the CIB and Bronze Star without the paperwork. My family is asking for help from anyone that may of known our dad or can help with the issue on hand. Our local veterans office in Dutchess County, N.Y. said it can not help us without the right paperwork.
Some thanks to a Americans mighty endeavor by a country he loved ever so. Please If you or someone can email me with any information about our dad or help with the above, as another brother veteran thank you for your help.


Anthony Pasquale Aug 25th 2007 at 12:53:23 PM
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While reading about Dachau

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Born In: Brooklyn NY; Live In:Columbia, Maryland

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My father Sgt. Nicholas A. Pasquale was in the 45th Division and I would love to hear from anyone who fought with him.
God Bless All the brave men that served in all wars fighting to keep the United States Free and Strong!


Gordon Elmer Keith Aug 21st 2007 at 04:17:20 PM
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Military Museum friend Charlie "PJ" Coulter

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Columbus, Ohio

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Just wanted to say hi to anyone out there from the 1621st Engineer Model Making detachment


Sue Trout Aug 13th 2007 at 09:40:09 PM
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It is an honor to have my mother's web page included in your reference sites in this wonderful tribute to the VI Corps Combat Engineers.


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